the ramblings of a slightly scattered girl...

I am still trying to figure out what format I prefer...

26 July, 2005

goodmorning's time for a healthy breakfast.

The hair that I awoke with today is crazy. I could rival Don King in the ring with my everywhere hair.

The weather today is wonderful. It's nice and cool out right now. 61ºF is perfect.
It makes me want to put on a big cuddly hoodie, and walk around barefoot in fresh-cut grass.
It makes me want to go camping in the middle of nowhere on an island that other people can't get to.

Right now, I suppose I should go grab the coffee I made for myself, but forgot in the kitchen. I have clothes to fold, and a bunch of cleaning to do. I've rearranged the apartment, and have things everywhere. I also have to figure out just what angle I want to have my 5.1 surround. I wish I had at least 6.1, but considering I'm totally broke, I'm not going to complain. At least I know how to set it up now! I bought my receiver, speakers, etc in 2001, and only just learned how to set it up for 5.1 last month. My boy showed me how to do it. And to top it off, I used to do video for a living. Pretty sad, huh?

Anyhow, yeah... time for coffee, or I'm going to get a headache.


I am so tired that I can hardly keep my eyes open, but I'm still sitting here awake.

25 July, 2005

wonderful, delicious rain.

I love it when it rains.

I especially love it when it rains after days and days of hot, humid, and all-around miserable weather.

This rain is beautiful.

The only thing missing is being curled up in bed with my boy, reading and talking and such.

Oh well.

13 July, 2005

i am not quite awake yet...

goodmorning world... it's time for a healthy breakfast, or the kids will eat you...

or in other words: I am going to be a chaperone for a bunch of 4th and 5th grade violin and cello (because for some reason they're not allowed viola or bass yet) who will players while they see a professional orchestra play, and then go crazy at a waterpark.

I am looking forward to this while at the same time, I'm dreading it... I've never been a chaperone before, and I really don't want to kill some kid, or cause lifelong anguish, or anything like that.

Oh, and then after that's all over, they expect these kids to go play for their first ever audience. That seems like such a stuoid thing to do... to wear them out completely and then make them play in front of people? Perhaps in past years they've found it works better then having them all hopped up.
Guess it just seems strange to me.

Anyhow... I'm going to go get dressed, find where I put the sunblock the other day, and try to get some coffee before my bus gets here.

hope ya'll have a loverly day.


11 July, 2005

oh look... a knitting meme

Knitting Adventurer
You appear to be a Knitting Adventurer.
You are through those knitting growing pains and
feeling more adventurous. You can follow a
standard pattern if it's not too complicated
and know where to go to get help. Maybe you've
started to experiment with different fibers and
you might be eyeing a book with a cool
technique you've never tried. Perhaps you
prefer to stick to other people's patterns but
you are trying to challenge yourself more.
Regardless of your preference, you are
continually trying to grow as a knitter, and as
well you should since your non-knitting friends
are probably dropping some serious hints, these

What Kind of Knitter Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla