the ramblings of a slightly scattered girl...

I am still trying to figure out what format I prefer...

26 October, 2005

I'm so proud of my sister!!

My little sister, Rachael, was accepted as a vendor at this years

I just think that's so super neat!!

11 October, 2005

tired, i am

04 October, 2005

it's raining...

...and I have insomnia.

Question: How long do you lie in bed trying to sleep before you give up? Because I tried for a good two hours, and then I gave up. I think I'm going to go try again in a few minutes...

This storm is making me a little nervous... I love it, but at the same time, I'm worried about flooding again if the power goes out. Alex isn't here, so it would be entirely my job to assure damage control.

The windows are rattling from the thunder... eep!

anyhow, I am going to go try to sleep again.